Monday, June 2, 2008

Corporate Politik

I'm stunned by the coldness of thought, meaness of purpose and ruthlessness of action. If God created humans, then we ended up creating these so-called 'purpose-driven' execs who see no one but their self-interest. And why not? shouts out someone somewhere. I say, hell why?

The so-called acquired positions you enjoy in high society are but a representation of your merits. Thats what your kind likes to think. In the haste of racing to the top, you know you will step on toes, break a few bones (of others ofcourse), bruise egos all over (except your own), throw your weight around (which tripples with the attitude you carry) and make it to the top with your impecable manners (reserved for public display only), keen eye for board room politics and that winning (read:irriating) smirk that says, "I'm the best that anyone will ever get".

How could have the human race given birth to a hollow soul like that? What purpose does it serve with such an existence?

Recognising or appreciating the one who help themselves is well beneath its standards. It prefers to rub shoulders with its own kind and look down on the rest. It works hard to get what it set out to achieve. In its ambitious state of mind it forgets that the 'end is not the begining but the end in itself', its always been the process that measure one's true worth.

God can be kind to the misguided corporate sometimes. When their path crosses the path of the odder ones out. Yet they fail to take notice. They'll call on you suddenly one fine day to ask you for a favor and no explanations needed for not being in touch for half a decade or even more. Its not needed right, its business. And because it is business you are expected to take the call or write them a note. That's expected professional behavior. Who set it? I don't know. Its contrary to common cortouesy, thats what I'd think and yet I'm compelled to take the call in the name of not harbouring personal prejudice in the line of duty...

Its amazing how lack of self-realisation has not hit a home run on the 'run-down execs'. They've been run down with their own amibtion, in the zeal to out-perform the other through sheer tactic, disregard any other talent/person/exec/life form that comes in to contact with them and yet when they order/request/ask for anything at all your job is to respond ASAP. If you don't you're the non-performing, unprofessional, amateur corporate who got it all wrong.

Its the conflict of a mind set. It all starts from the mind after all and ends up confusing your head and your heart.

So for the faintly hearted understand dealing with the empty-corporate suits is not for you. For the challengers (who've lived on challenging status quos) its an unwilling battle of the wills and witts. Where their sense of purpose drives them to help the empty-corporate suit but their mind tells them to beware and stop dead in their tracks because all of it sounds so familiar. It'll ask for help, hold your hand and when the purpose is achieved its likely to break it. The empty-corporate suit has room for no one else except itself.

Delete is not an option. Move ahead without a guilt of not helping is one. The costs are basic, does it even matter? Is this a chance to build up or break away for good? Above everything else, nature has its ways of unfolding people and events. Perhaps this is one such lesson. An empty-corporate suit is not worth it for the long run!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brilliant; what a subject to touch on a blog!
I reckon without changing the parameters of success in society, one cannot expect any alteration in super-egos of shallow execs. Unfortunately for masses, these very souls set the parameters of success in today's society. Thus, there seems to be no way out from this cyclical paradoxical argument (except as you said when nature has its final say on them).