Tuesday, April 1, 2008

State vs. People

Congratulations, we've chosen a Prime Minister for ourselves. The first democratic Prime Minister in 9 years. A cheerless President swore the new cabinet in, read the deadline of a leading daily newspaper. Surely the President has a few more things to be cheerless about than just a fresh cabinet. A number of cabinet ministers have taken their respective positions for the first time in their political careers.

Inexperienced ministers - can they possible clog the much needed political filtering? Not really. The political turmoils which Pakistan has witnessed since its inception it can withstand inexperienced over the murderers of people's interest.

The formulation and the visible eagerness of political parties to make the coalition work is an encouraging sign. Perhaps the much anticipated light at the end of the tunnel analysts hinted for. At the same time, one cannot help but remember the even the current democrats in power have a 'history' with the misuse of it. From the overseas assets, Swiss Bank accounts, loans worth billions written off and more recently the whitewash of the corruption charges against the so-called 'man-of-the-hour'.

All is not lost. That's something that we knew was coming. But if the office bearers are willing to make a difference, rescue Pakistan out of the economic crisis that it is in, the geographic conflicts that it is submerged in to and stabilise if not grow the economy in 2008, perhaps the people will be willing to get over the grudges.

Too many lives have been lost, too many tires have been burnt, too much destruction has taken place at the cost of pushing the country in scaring foreign investors out of the country. The depleting state of the manufacturing sector is a clear example of where this economy is heading.

New faces, fresh insights and above everything else fair intentions is perhaps the expectation we have from the office bearers. Countdown to 100 days package has already begun. The re-shuffling within the military ranks holding on to the civilian positions was one of the most recent corrective actions taken by the new government. The General must have had to swallow this bitter sweet pill. This leaves us wondering how many bitter sweet pills the General can swallow..till he of course is hit with an overdose.

Perhaps it is likely the thought of an overdose which will make the General re-work his exit strategy. Many critics believe he has none. He is too arrogant and hungry for power to even consider making an exit till he is physically pushed and shoved out of his Presidential suite. I hold a different perspective. And that would perhaps be verified by time itself.

Within the next few weeks, when all the hola around the new government has settled it will be time to evaluate the progress of the state. The people were practically out on the street prior to the election 2008. Slightest error, ignorance, greed on the part of the new regime can have people succumb to violence within minutes. The thought of it only makes us citizens, craving for a peaceful Pakistan, shudder.

The distant truth is that this is the time where the regime must perform. The opportunity has been won by the people for the people. Let not a General or vested interests decide the fate of the country. For once, would the chosen representatives of the People stand up, take responsibility and use the power with sensibility?

Its a refreshing break to see younger PM and a smiling and an eloquent Minister of Information. At the same time, disappointing to see some of the older cronies coming back to the scene to be appointed as "advisers at large" or "ambassadors at large". Could they not be avoided at large given their list of defaults against Pakistan? Perhaps we cannot have the perfect cabinet or the honest politician after all.

The formula for now has to work. Its not about democracy vs. martial law actually. Neither has worked well or done justice to the country. Its state vs. people. Its not about a political system, ideology or which slogan would work. Its about ensuring that we continue to be a free,safe, healthy and happy economy.

Simply put its the State vs. People. The verdict comes after 100 days....

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